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I’m a Mac user.  I have a Windows 10 computer and a Linux computer in the house, but Windows is for gaming and Linux is for MAME.  I prefer Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro because they’re the best software in my opinion.  I prefer the Mac OS to Windows OS, and I think Windows 11 is clear evidence that Microsoft hates their own customers.

But Apple’s pissing me off in two ways these days.

  1.  If you don’t know about Apple screwing small creators through their treatment of Patreon, Google it.  I won’t rehash it here, except that it’s an obvious example of Apple NOT LISTENING and as a result screwing small time artists.  When a company is getting bashed by musicians and they don’t notice and they don’t care, it not only looks bad, it IS bad.
  2. The latest version of Logic Pro is unstable.  Yes, they added some nifty AI players that I don’t use, but it’s not worth the thing crashing almost every time I quit the program.  The last time Logic Pro was this unstable was NEVER EVER.

Apple needs to get off their big fat money grubbing ass and fix these things.  Tim Cook could solve these two issues with two phone calls.  But he’s too far up the ivory tour to care, apparently.  Or, he trusted his people to make sure stuff like this is taken care of, and they screwed up.  We don’t care why.

Sometimes I wonder if there’s a line in the sand that would make me leave the Mac.  Yes, there is.  Ruin Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro, and maybe turn them into a subscription model, and I’ll be out.  They have a good start on ruining Logic Pro.